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Nand Chaturvedi.


Just couldn’t read

The way one should

The ‘writing’ in this book.


This book however composed

And in whatever language

Whenever read

A lot would be lost.


It is I, someday

Will read it singing

Or haltingly.

It is I, in insolence

Will change some.


Will laugh

At the way

The words are written


Nevertheless, won’t read

The way one should.


Altered readings

Can’t ruin the book

The essentials


Translated by Ashutosh Mohan from the original Hindi poems of the renowned poet Nand Chaturvedi.

Ashutosh Mohan

Hindinest is a website for creative minds, who prefer to express their views to Hindi speaking masses of India.


मुखपृष्ठ  |  कहानी कविता | कार्टून कार्यशाला कैशोर्य चित्र-लेख |  दृष्टिकोण नृत्य निबन्ध देस-परदेस परिवार | बच्चों की दुनियाभक्ति-काल डायरी | धर्म रसोई लेखक व्यक्तित्व व्यंग्य विविधा |  संस्मरण | साक्षात्कार | सृजन साहित्य कोष |

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